Café Beaujolais Coffee Cake

Chèvre, Avocado & Bacon Omelet

My wife Katie has adapted this from her mother’s recipe. Sometimes she will quadruple the recipe so it’s big enough for the whole family. Somehow she can flip it. If this was the only omelet I ever ate, I’d be just fine with that.


Prep time

10 min

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon milk
  • 1 tablespoon chèvre cheese
  • ½ avocado, sliced
  • 1 piece cooked bacon, crumbled
  • 1 tablespoon butter
Heat 6” well-seasoned skillet over medium heat. Melt butter and coat the bottom of the pan.

While the butter is melting, break eggs into a mixing bowl and add milk. Whisk mixture until combined. Once the butter has begun to foam, add the mixture to the skillet.

As the eggs begin to set, carefully lift the edges of the omelet upwards with a spatula, allowing the uncooked eggs to run underneath. Rotate the pan as you do so. Cook until the eggs have set on the bottom but the top is still a little moist. The underside should be a golden brown in color. Add the chèvre, avocado and bacon to the omelet. 

At this stage, lift up the edge of one side of the omelet and fold this half so that it covers the other half and sits neatly on top. 

Loosen the omelet away from the pan and tip out onto a warmed plate. Serve immediately.

Source: Katie Parsons (The Cast Iron Chef’s better half). © Copyright 2020 The Cast Iron Chef, Inc.

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